Friday, November 14, 2014

Electric, Insulation, Well, Concrete

It's been hectic, and I feel bad I haven't posted in a while.  Since my last post, a lot of progress has been made.  We got our garage door, we met with the electrician and decided where all of our outlets/light switches/tvs/canister lights/etc. will go, he wired the house for everything, they ran the duct work, they put in insulation, we added extra insulation to the parts of the garage that Wayne Homes doesn't insulate so that Andor can have a nice, warm workshop.

Update: On 2/27/16, one year after we moved in, Andor was installing cabinets in the garage, and he had to remove some drywall.  Behind it we found black colored mold, and NO INSULATION!!!  We're frustrated because we paid hundreds of dollars to insulate the parts of the garage that Brant told us would not be insulated, we wanted a warm garage.  Now we find that Wayne did not insulate the garage where Brant told us they would, making the hundreds we spent on insulating our garage ourselves a waste.  Our garage is freezing- we thought it was because we went with the cheap door, but now we know it's also because it's only partially insulated.  And now we're calling customer care about that mold.  Makes me nervous. 

We had the concrete poured this week.  We brought in a dehumidifier to help get the moisture out of the house.  They brought huge propane tanks in for heating the home during the winter.  Oh, and we chopped down another ten trees.  We had so much wood and brush that we had to rent a wood chipper and tow it to the property.  We spent two entire days chopping the trees into smaller pieces that will eventually be used for bonfires and feeding the huge leftover branches into the wood chipper.  It is amazing how that machine can turn an enormous limb into a pile of mulch!  I wish I had taken pictures.  I was too busy trying to make sure I didn't lose a limb or get poison ivy.  Lost that battle... with the poison ivy, that is.  

Here is a view of our sunroom.  We are going to put our Christmas tree in the center of those two windows.  (Probably not this year, though- we're hoping to be in before Dec.31, but no guarantee)

Andor is so handy!  Here he is installing the insulation in the garage.

Side view

This isn't even all of it!  Andor's brother hauled a HUGE truckload off before this was taken!  I can't wait for bonfires and s'mores!!!

Concrete has been poured!  It looks so nice!  I had to take a picture from outside since it was still wet.

Oh, and our well was drilled!  It's a cable tool well, so it took a little longer, but we were really happy with the results.  Thank you Haefner Well Drilling!  Check out that machine!!  They had to go 180 feet, but they got excellent water.  We might not even have to use any filter/treatment they said, but we're used to city water, so we'll have to see how it tastes... 

Update: Our water has iron.  We spent quite a bit of money on a treatment system, and it takes up quite a bit of space in our basement, but with that being said, our water is officially better than city water.  It has no taste whatsoever, has not changed the texture of my hair or affected the moisture in my skin- and we've lived here a whole year now.  I love our well water!

Front Door and Windows

We have a front door and windows!!!  (and stairs down to the basement, and a roof, and it looks like they cleaned up inside the house)