Sunday, October 19, 2014

Framing and Rough Grade

We had a little setback when we had to make some changes to our grading to accommodate our walkout basement.  We didn't want our walkout to be in a low bowl shaped area that would collect water, and we also would have had a steep "u" shape to our driveway in order to allow for water to run away from the house.  Brant, our field manager, suggested we raise the house, fill in front yard with dirt, fill the garage with rock, and bring in more dirt to make a slope for water to drain away from the house.  We weren't happy with how much it all cost, but we were happy Brant caught the problem.  We will be much happier with things the way they are now.  Update: What was most frustrating about this was that our original field manager did not notice this problem when he measured and brought out his laser to "survey" how the house would sit.  Then he quit, we were assigned a new field manager, he noticed that our walk out would be sitting way low, forming a bowl for water to collect, not what you want for your only basement exit, and now we had to pay a LOT more money to get EXACTLY what we thought we'd be getting all along.   

Over 130 tons of dirt later, about 30 tri-axels worth, and thousands of unanticipated dollars of rock fill for the garage, we were finally ready to frame the house.  It's amazing how quickly things are moving now.  The guys started framing on Monday morning, and they were finished by Friday 10/17/14!  It looks like a house!  Check it out!


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