Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Carpet, Flooring, Electric, Touch Ups, Almost There

Since my last post, we've now been told we should expect to close on January 23rd.  We're keeping our fingers crossed.

The mantle is going to be replaced, big sigh of relief.  It will be stained to match the cabinets and will look the way it is supposed to.  Can't wait to see it!

Last week the carpeting was installed, the flooring is almost done.  They still have to lay the flooring in the sunroom.  We changed our minds on the sunroom flooring and decided not to do carpeting there.  Wayne Homes changed it, we paid a little extra, and now we're waiting on the correct flooring.  We're throwing the carpeting that would have gone in the sunroom in the basement, even though it's unfinished, it'll warm up the gameroom space down there.   

My husband and I installed drawer pulls on all of our kitchen and bathroom cabinets and we hung lighting in the kitchen and sun room.  If we could do it all over again, we'd tell Wayne Homes to leave off the lighting fixtures (other than the dome lights that go everywhere,) but that we'd install our own.  We ended up replacing the lighting in the kitchen above the sink, foyer light, and we really want to change the exterior lanterns.  They look exactly like they did in the picture, but they are sooooo small!!  They look kind of silly. 

We're in the process of installing a mailbox.  It's kind of hard with the ground frozen, though, so we might have to pick up our mail at the local post office until land thaws. 

We also are going to have to wait until spring to do the final grading, painting of the exposed block, painting our front door white, and our door from our garage to our house, too, and installation of the walkway to the front steps and driveway, and deck.  The only part of everything I just mentioned that Wayne Homes takes care of is $400 of the grading and painting the block and doors.  Basically, everything on the inside will be done when we close, but we'll have quite a bit of work to do on the exterior in the spring. 

The electrician is finishing up next week, and the painter will be back to touch up, too.  We decided to have him paint the walls going down the steps into the basement and stain the railing there, too.  We didn't realize how unfinished it would look from the first floor, not sue how we missed that, but regardless, it was $125 extra, but the hallway going down the steps to the basement will be finished, and the view from the first floor will look a little nicer when the door to the basement is open.

We are still on top of things.  We are realizing that part of building is taking on the responsibility of being "co-project managers" along with the field manger.  With how much we're responsible for on our own to begin with, it makes sense.  We've found that it pays to go to the house every day to check on things.  We catch a lot of the things that need to be addressed and fill in our field manager since he's not there every day to monitor the progress.  I think it's kept things moving more quickly, and my husband feels like as long as he is looking at every step of the way he'll catch things the field manager might have missed.  I think our field manager is amazing, but it's a shame that Wayne Homes has him working on 9 or 10 houses at a time.  I could never juggle that many projects and catch all the mistakes.

Right now we're waiting on more mistakes the drywallers made.  In addition to cutting holes too big for many of the outlets and switches, they also covered up our vent in our main bathroom and the vent for the dryer in the laundry room (although technically that might not be their fault since the guys who hung the siding never installed the vents. 

Next steps are to schedule installation of appliances, blinds, cable, internet, phone, moving van and movers, and wait...

It's getting close, but it still feels like we're never going to get in!!! 

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