Thursday, January 29, 2015

Fnal Walk Through & Keys!!!

We're in!!!  We had our final walkthrough with our field manager on Friday, January 23, 2015.  We were given a shiny new set of keys, and we've been moving in ever since.  There are still a few things that Wayne Homes needs to address, many of them have been done this week.  And we're noticing things as we go, and Brant has been great about making sure they get addressed, too.  For example, our plumbing hot and cold were flip flopped, and our shower isn't working exactly like it should- neither of which we noticed before we moved in.  My husband has been off this entire week so that he could be at the house when the plumber, stone mason, well guy, painters, appliance deliveries all arrive.  The exterior of our home still has some things that will need to be finished by Wayne Homes in the spring and A TON that we'll need to do.  Anyone want to help plant grass?  Right now we've got enough to juggle with getting settled in on the inside.

Although our landscaper is coming today to map out our property and create a blueprint of what our yard will look like in the spring...  This is a slow season for him, so we scooped him up now so we can be prepared as soon as it's warm enough to plant grass/plants/trees.  I can't wait to see what he suggests!   

Right now, I'm in the process of mid-year report cards for my students, wrapping up a grad class, and moving in all at the same time, so it might be a little while before I can post pictures, but I definitely will.  This blog is our "scrapbook" of our build, and it wouldn't be complete without photos of the finished product.  More to come soon...

It's been a little bit of a rollercoaster, but now that we're in I can honestly say


  1. Congratulations on your new home. We are planning on building with the Greensburg office. We are waiting to for my fiance's house to sell. Your blog helped us look at some of the real issues we might face. Hope you keep us updated! Feel free to check out our blog once we get going. Best wishes on the new home!

    1. Congratulations! Hope it sells fast! That's a stressful time... Please share the URL for your blog, I'd love to check it out!

  2. Did you have any paint issues? I think our painter did a terrible sloppy job. Paint runs everywhere, dings and dents that got painted over without being caulked first,

    1. Our painters were great, in fact they were brought back several times to fix mistakes that the drywall crew made. Andre from Galaxy Painting is who we worked with.

    2. Thanks for the reply. The painter ended up coming back 2 days to fix things. It is much better, but I am still not 100% happy with the paint job. But oh well, I am tired of dealing with it. We moved in 2 days ago.

  3. And what looks like little fuzzies from his roller everywhere. All of our windows hAve big chunks of wood taken out damaged during install I'm guessing. Looks terrible. You can see nails heads And caulk on all my trim. Definitely not the smooth, even, seamless look I was expecting. How was your experience?

    1. We didn't have that problem, but we had a drywall crew that made QUITE A FEW mistakes! And our painters are the ones who have to keep coming back to fix it. I feel bad because they're fixing someone else's mistakes, but I'm glad the dyrwall crew aren't coming back to fix it. They weren't that great. They made so many mistakes. I guess it's all on who your subcontractors are. Unfortunately, you don't get to pick them.

  4. Congratulations! I can't wait to see more photos. We finally break ground on February 27th!

    1. Congratulations! I hope you have a positive experience! It's exciting, my advice would be to take a lot of pictures. I love having a digital "scrapbook" of our build!
